08 March 2008

So there's this handy little thing called Gender Guesser, which analyzes writing and "attempts" to determine the author's gender, based on the words used and how they are used in sentences.

"The system generates a simple estimate (profiling). While Gender Guesser may be 60% - 70% accurate, it is not 100% accurate. This is better than random guessing (50%), but should not be interpreted as "fact". In particular, men should not be offended if it says you write like a girl."

No matter what part of my SIP I plug into it, I come up with these results:
Genre: Formal
Female = 2957
Male = 3120
Difference = 163; 51.34%
Verdict: Weak MALE
Weak emphasis likely indicates European.

No matter what blog entries I enter, I get these results:
Genre: Informal
Female = 417
Male = 688
Difference = 271; 62.26%
Verdict: MALE

So, I am a [weak/European] male. Does that make me more awkward? I honestly I have no idea how I feel about this.

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