22 March 2008

In the almighty name of procrastination, I present:

Books I Wish I Was Reading Right Now (instead of working on my SIP):

The Concept of Irony by Soren Kierkegaard
Be Near Me by Andrew O'Hagan
Bleak House by Charles Dickens
Siegfried Sassoon: A Life by Max Egremont
My Darling, My Hamburger by Paul Zindel
The Abstinence Teacher by Thomas Perrotta
and, as always, Baby by Kristen Thorup

08 March 2008

So there's this handy little thing called Gender Guesser, which analyzes writing and "attempts" to determine the author's gender, based on the words used and how they are used in sentences.

"The system generates a simple estimate (profiling). While Gender Guesser may be 60% - 70% accurate, it is not 100% accurate. This is better than random guessing (50%), but should not be interpreted as "fact". In particular, men should not be offended if it says you write like a girl."

No matter what part of my SIP I plug into it, I come up with these results:
Genre: Formal
Female = 2957
Male = 3120
Difference = 163; 51.34%
Verdict: Weak MALE
Weak emphasis likely indicates European.

No matter what blog entries I enter, I get these results:
Genre: Informal
Female = 417
Male = 688
Difference = 271; 62.26%
Verdict: MALE

So, I am a [weak/European] male. Does that make me more awkward? I honestly I have no idea how I feel about this.

01 March 2008

Ole Christen Madsen's new film, Flame and Citron, comes out in Denmark in the end of March. In my opinion, Ole Christen Madsen is an extremely overlooked Danish director. Madsen doesn't make dogme films, which keeps him under the radar of international critics, and even on the outskirts of Danish cinema. I'm intrigued by this film's budget - at 10 million US dollars, it has the largest budget of any film ever made in Denmark. It's also worth noting that Mads Mikkelsen is starring, and I LOVE Mads Mikkelsen. As I've seen almost all of his films, I was more than a little overjoyed when he showed up in Casino Royale back in 2006. I can only hope that this film is available in the US sometime in the next year.

For those unversed in the Danish Resistance, 'Flame' and 'Citron' were two famous resistance fighters, charged with the task of "liquidating" Danish informers while Denmark was occupied by the Nazis. They later went on to kill a number of influential Germans occupying the country as well.

The Teaser trailer, with no dialogue (for those of us who don't speak any Danish, which is - face it - most of the western world):

The full length trailer can be found at Twitchfilm.net