27 November 2006

I promise that SOMEDAY I will try my very best to update about my traveling, but for the moment, I am in the midst of papers, computer problems, library-usage issues, and general craziness.

Until the (unlikely at this point) day that I update about Paris/Madrid/Krakow/Warzawa, all my pictures are posted on my flickr photo site, as well as an album of pictures taken in Denmark, up to date as of this past Friday. So click away...visual learning folks.

Thanksgiving in Denmark was great! (There are pictures on the aformentioned site)...my friends Hillevi and Gabby and I cooked the entire meal from scratch (as in, cut and baked pumpkin wedges to make the puree to make the pumpkin pie filling, and boiled cranberries in orange juice to make the cranberry sauce kind of cooking from scratch). It was intense. I had no idea I could actually cook.


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