25 October 2007

October is National Domestic Abuse Awareness Month

Reasons why I would rather live in the South than in Maryland:

1) I don't like the perpetration of domestic abuse and the trivialization of those it victimizes.

2) I should be able to withdraw my consent. Period.

3) I like to be taken seriously when I fear for my life, and not end up doused in gasoline/lit on fire.

How do these things happen in the Northern United States in the 21st Century???

12 October 2007

Dear Radiohead,

It is really, really, pitifully easy to be socialist about CD payment plans when you are filthy rich.

To everyone else:

Will you stop talking about how "ground-breaking" Radiohead is for leaving the price of a freaking CD up to a customer? I'm sick of this elitist-hipster crap.

I am soooooo over this. Do we seriously have to act as if nobody's ever done this before?

11 October 2007

This is an old conversation, (circa the last time I actually worked on my SIP, which was, oh, ages ago), but I still wanted to post it, because Lauren's dad (a pastor) cracks me up.

me: do you know what kinds of things you can keep with you in jail?
Lauren: i think it depends on why you are in jail
me: specifically: could someone keep a set of books with them in prision?
me: for possession? of drugs?
Lauren: i would think you could have books
me: i can't find anything on the internets
Lauren: i could call my dad and ask
Lauren: he knows a lot about jails
me: okay! you are a saint!
me: sort of like your excommunicated father
Lauren: my dad says no
Lauren: they can be used as weapons
Lauren: my dad tried to take a bible
me: ok, i will use that, not even a bible
me: tell your father thank you for me, he has been very helpful
Lauren: my dad wanted to know if you had a boyfriend in jail
me: no, it is for a story i am writing
me: no bad boyfriend
Lauren: i knew
me: that is so funny
me: i love your dad
Lauren: he just wanted to make sure
Lauren: he likes to check up on you

Health update: I am not dying, I'm just taking a medical leave of absence from K until I can function again.